Monday, January 25, 2010

Exercise update....

Well since I started tracking my meals and fitness daily on I have lost a little over 5 pounds and up to at least one hour of cardio at a minimum of 5 days a week. I am starting to add in some strength training. I am tired of being flabby and need to get in shape for my health! I am going to attempt to run with my husband. Those of you who know Mark, he runs 5-6 miles at a time like it was a piece of cake! Me - not so much! I struggle to get a mile in without feeling like death! I don't understand I can go on the elliptical for an hour and feel great. I try and run and I can't breath and cramp up. I am sure there is something I am doing wrong! I missed the gym this evening but will do some crunches instead. It is not much but better than nothing! I will hit the gym for at least an hour of cardio first thing in the morning! Good night!


  1. Good for YOU! Keep us posted on the running thing...I was a self proclaimed "hater" when it came to runners/running--until about two years ago. Now...I can't get enough! can be CAN be done! What's the saying, "slow and steady wins the race"?? :-)

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. I am just tired of living with high blood pressure and excess flab. Need to be healthy! The funny thing is I found myself about to die to get out to go to the gym but I was scared to drive. I was getting very annoyed! So I will be there tomorrow. Trying to work up to getting out with Mark and running. I will keep you posted. Still trying to convince Mark I need the elliptical at the house!
